Labels:book | bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: AutoL .ock Licensing Information AutoLockTM and LockSmithTM are copyrighted software to which J. S. Greenfield and Singular Systems, inc retain all rights. (AutoL .ock TM and LockSmithTM were written using THINK Pascal .0 There efore, some portions may be copy vrighted by Symantec Corporation. You may not modify Autol .OCkTM or Lock SmithM in any manner, without the prior written consent of J. C Greenfield Autol .ockTM shareware You may freely copy and distribute unregistered copies of AutoL ock TM provided that this documentation and Lock SmithTM is included in any distribution package You may not charge any fee for the use copy ying, or distribution of this product without the prior written consent of Greenfield This product may not be bundled with any commercial or shareware packages wi ...